The Importance of continued education | Fredericksburg, Va Photographer

When I first started out as a " professional" photographer I had very little knowledge of what I was doing other then what I had read or googled somewhere. It got me by for the first few months but as I started branching out and admiring others work I noticed some of my images were missing something. It was something that couldn't really be found online or in a book, for me it was furthering my education in my field! At first I thought no way, this isn't for me! How am I going to invest 1,000's of dollars for professionals to teach me when I was hardly even making enough to cover that bill. Somehow I was able to save and I attended my first mentoring ship. When I sat down with her I was like a ball of energy!! I had a million questions running through me head!! She was so sweet to, she answered all my questions and helped me truly start the foundation of my business! 

After my foundation was built, it was time to start focusing on my area of focus and my technique. For me it was all about Belly to Baby! So in March of 2015 I attended Little Moons Workshop! It was a lovely experience and I instantly saw my work transform over night! When I said earlier some things can't be found online or in book, I simply meant you can't possibly learn how to pose a newborn without actually "posing" a newborn right? Of course not! These workshops are created by individuals who have been in the industry for a while, they have so many tips and tricks that simply aren't out on the internet! They have to keep somethings a secret  for their workshops right? 

Throughout 2015 I worked and worked on creating my style and perfecting my work! I grew to really find myself and start to love my art! However there was still a photographer I just admired! I was pretty sure she didn't offer any type of workshop our mentoring because I looked many times lol! Well I finally just one day messaged her and told her how much I admired her and if she'd be interested in mentoring me and well...... she said yes!!!! My artistic little heart burst with excitement! So in May I had a one on One mentoring ship with 11sixteen photography!!! It was a wonderful experience and i had many many light bulb moments! She's an artist and Photographer I admire and i was honored to be able to share a day with her picking her brain and having her critique me. I left feeling refreshed and driven all over again!! Its a great feeling working with others who share your passion and who are there to help you along your way. so if any of you  out there are in a dry spot or have lost your inspiration or simply want to learn more and better your work, I highly suggest taking a workshop or mentoring ship. I guarantee you will see growth in your self as a person and as an artist. If you are you really serious about bettering your skill and art, I woulds urge you to mentor with a photographer whose work inspires you. Theres tons of workshops and mentors out there. Take advantage of them, I know they can be expensive, but continuing your education should be part of building your business. Learning from someone with experience is very empowering like I mentioned above. Not only will you gain confidence, but you gain a friendship and community also. My best advice is finding workshops and mentoring that is "hands on" I think you get the most out of your investment this way. Please enjoy some of the wonder shots I got during my mentor session. Thank you Kelly for not only being a wonderful teacher but a great friend!

